Ice Age - Forward

On 12th March 2002 a, Blue Sky Studios, animation movie was released.

20th Century Fox, were about to present to the world something wonderful. A feature-length, computer-animated film called.... ICE AGE

I remember watching this movie for the first time on DVD about five years after its release in the UK.

As far as animated movies go, I was never a fan of them and had only seen a couple 80's classics such as, The Little Mermaid and An American Tail.

For whatever reason, ( probably boredom or curiosity), I decided to sit and watch one of the new breed of 21st Century animations.

My choice was ICE AGE

From the beginning of the movie when, Scrat, appears on screen to the end credits, I have to admit I was enthraled.

I began to smile and laugh as I watched the hyperactive squirrel scurry from place to place trying to find a location to store his new found acorn.

In his frantic behaviour, Scrat, ( the squirrel), somehow managed to cause an avalanche!

It was a wonderful and captivating start to a movie.
I was hooked.
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Official Trailer

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The Basics

This is the movie that brings the not so intrepid, "Sub-Zero Heroes" together for the first time.

The movie is set in pre-historic times around the beginning of the Ice Age.
It centres around three main characters. Manny, (a Mammoth), Sid, (a Sloth), Diego, (a Smilodon).

All animals everywhere are migrating South in an attempt to avoid what inevitably becomes an ice age.

Sid, being the slow and sleepy creature that he is, has slept through the whole migration and so when he wakes up he discovers that his family has left him behind.

With a desire to find his family the likable but clumsy Sloth sets off on his own.

On his journey he happens across two Rhinos, (Brontops), whom he unwillingly angered. They attack the defenseless, Sid but are unsuccessful as, Manny, an agitated Mammoth, steps in to save the day.

From that moment wherever the lonesome, angry Mammoth went, Sid followed. This was far from what, Manny desired.

Meanwhile, a pride of Smilodon seek revenge, for an unresolved issue of the past, by attacking the small camp of humans responsible.

The Smilodon leader, Soto forged a plan to eat, Roshan the human chiefs son. In the mayhem of the attack, Roshan and his mother escape.

When, Soto realizes the mother escaped with her son he immediately sends, Diego out to bring, Roshan back.

Later, Sid and Manny come across the mother and her child. The mother had been injured after crashing down from a waterfall and so had no choice but to entrust her baby boy to, Sid and a reluctant, Manny.

Here is where the adventure begins as our two heroes cross paths with many other characters on their journey to find the human camp and bring, Roshan back to his father.
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Slideshow - "On The Way"

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Ice Age Review

The location layouts of the movie are filled with colour in a land of fantasy filled with rocks, geysers, mud, snow and ice. This all makes the overall look of the film a wonderful escape.

Its funny, poignant and totally enjoyable.

The characters are amazingly believable all with their own specific personalities; you cant help but care about them.

Its a perfect family movie and the fact that it has sprouted two sequels doesnt surprise me.

The sequels are :

Ice Age 2: The Meltdown

Ice Age 3: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs
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Ice Age Merchandise Store

Ice Age Merchandise Store
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Ice Age Life - Funny

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Characters & their voices

Here are the stars of the movie and their celebrity voices.

Manny - ( Ray Romano )

Sid - ( John Leguizamo )

Diego - ( Denis Leary )

Scrat - ( Chris Wedge )

Soto - ( Goran Visnjic )

Seke - ( Jack Black )

Carl - ( Cedric The Entertainer )

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  • Originally, Sid was supposed to be a con-sloth and a hustler.
  • Blue Sky Animation has been developing for over 15 years now. It was responsible for some of the aliens in Alien: Resurrection (1997) and the talking cockroaches in Joe's Apartment (1996).
  • In March 2002, Ice Age had become the first film of that year to pass the $100 million milestone in box office takings.
  • The drawings of characters during the end credit roll were all done by the children of the animators.
  • Scrat was only supposed to appear in the film's opening few minutes, but his popularity proved otherwise.
  • When Sid, Manny, Diego and the baby are walking through the ice cave, they walk past a UFO frozen in a block of ice, as they walk past, the baby does the Vulcan hand salute (from "Star Trek" ).
  • John Leguizamo tried 30 different voices for Sid. He learned that Sloths store food in their mouths, so attempting to speak as if he had food in his mouth was the perfect voice for Sid.
  • Originally, the makers were going to turn the 20th Century Fox logo into ice when it appears before the film. Even though it can be seen in one of the trailers, they cut that out and placed the regular logo in the film.
  • Its the first movie produced by Fox Animation since "Titan A.E." ( 2000)
  • The film was originally intended as a drama but Fox would only accept it as a children´s comedy.
  • James Earl Jones and Ving Rhames were originally considered to play Manny.
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More....Ice Age Funny Life

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PLAY!! The Ice Age Quiz

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Deleted Scene

All the removed scenes can be seen on the "Super Cool Edition" DVD
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The Soundtrack

Here are a few popular songs from the album.

"Humans / Diego"

"Giving Back Baby"

"Checking Out The Cave"

Thursday 11 June 2009

The Igloo Store

If you are looking for an Ice Age gift, posters, DVDs, games, Limited Edition collectables and much more then just visit my igloo store above.

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